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My baby in super chill, never really cries. But yesterday night he was screaming and crying. I was so worried, he wasn’t hungry and his diaper was changed. I thought maybe it’s bad gas but he’s not a fast baby a lot maybe he’s tired but I couldn’t get him comfortable to sleep. I know I left him with my husband who’s not as attentive. Any ideas on what could have caused him to be that upset?
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my son is very quickly overtired he can go from showing tired signs to inconsolable screaming in minutes, I swaddle and lay him down with pacifier and he will calm down or fall asleep. Also gas can cause that too, try mylicon and/or gripe water.
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ok thank you. I didn’t know it could happen so quick
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it honestly can be so many things unfortunately. It can be too hot or too cold, over tired, discomfort, gas, hunger, etc. you just have to kinda go down the checklist until something works �� My LO was crying like I’ve never heard and the one thing that worked was taking her sleeper off.
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My girlie gets this way mainly if she’s overtired. And like PP said, it happens fast! Like one minute we’re smiling & cooing all cute & the next we are inconsolable. Lots of rocking & bouncing & shushing & she’ll go to sleep but if I let her get even the slightest bit worked up, it’s game over. I will say this baby is the fussiest of my 3, my other 2 didn’t cry like this very often at all.
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This happened to us a week ago, I almost went to the hospital because it was so out of the blue, but called telehealth and they made me feel better then went to the doctors the next day because she was still a bit weird. They both said it could be many things. One main thing could be overstimulated as we had a really big day that day with a lot of noises and things she’s never been around, another thing could be early teething as she was extremely drooly that day and a few prior and was constantly gnawing on her hands. But like others said there could be lots of reasons, so hard to know for sure.
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My very chill baby has done this twice! To this day we don’t know why. It was horrifying to see him like that. We called the on call pediatrician line both times but they said just monitor him and he eventually calmed down and fell asleep both times.
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I always say to try changing them, especially if it’s a brand new outfit. I get so paranoid about those tiny little plastic bits that hold tags in new clothes. If one side didn’t come out properly it can be sharp and might be poking babe.
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Yeah could be a hundred things but it’s hard to know since it’s their way of communication. Usually for us, unconsolable crying is from being overtired. We’re not great at taking naps right now so she gets overtired easily and it’s like screaming crying. So we know to get ready for bed earlier
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Mine also gets the same when she is overtired. It happened so far in three different episodes.
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