recently updated
With the release of 1.21.3, we present the updated list of Minecraft 1.21.3 resource packs below. In the previous version, specifically the 1.21.2 update, players encountered a peculiar and previously unknown issue: attempting to join a Realm with any resource pack enabled resulted in an error. Fortunately, the Mojang team quickly addressed and resolved this problem. While 1.21.3 is primarily a hotfix and does not introduce new features, it remains a crucial update, ensuring that players can once again enjoy their favorite resource packs on Realms without issues.
By Karaoke| Cartoon Resource Packs
The Bewitched resource pack is one of the latest releases that attempt to combine cartoonish and creepy elements into a whole package. As Minecraft gets older and older, it seems that all of the new resource packs try to stick to the already established standard without any innovation. All they…
By cheezlordy| Simplistic Resource Packs, Clean Resource Packs
When it comes to Minecraft resource packs, there is a big craze for high-resolution textures and photorealistic visuals. However, some of the most popular resource packs do not have high-resolution textures and pretentious features. The Pollachius resource pack is one such example that proves less is more. Built to be…
By cheezlordy| Simplistic Resource Packs
Embrace all the beauty of a minimalistic approach with the Splotch resource pack. As Minecraft becomes increasingly more advanced, the heavy-duty packs with ridiculously high resolutions demand a lot of resources that only players with expensive PCs can afford to run. Nowadays, it’s hard to find a resource pack that…
By StormDragon77| GUI Resource Packs, Default Resource Packs
Among the vast sea of similar and uninspiring packs, the Stormilla resource pack has emerged to break the routine and set itself as the most ambitious project that the Minecraft community has seen in a while. The pack is one of the more recent additions, dating back just a few…
Motschen's Better Leaves
By Motschen| Default Resource Packs
Motschen’s Better Leaves – while the name itself might give you an idea of what this resource pack is all about, it still adds a lot of value to the game despite its simplicity. Every Minecraft player, veteran or novice, knows that the game’s trademark is its textures’ cartoonish, child-like…
By ItsStitchyYT| Default Resource Packs, RPG Resource Packs
The Faithless resource pack is one of the packs that take into interest how to overcome color deficiencies in Minecraft. Are you that type of person who cannot distinguish between colors and you are a gamer or want to try a certain game? Well, this is the pack for you…
By Maffhew| Medieval Resource Packs
Do you want to encounter the fascinating Minecraft action? Then hold tight and try the Excalibur resource pack which has been introduced to offer a wonderful experience. With its use, you can employ multiple types of antiquated and fancy themes that will make your game and endeavor that you cannot…
Clarity | Pixel Perfection
By SCtester| Default Resource Packs, Realistic Resource Packs
The clarity resource pack is, without a doubt, one of the best resource pack that has been developed in recent times. With so many packs being developed every other day it is amazing just how clarity pack has managed to stand out. The brilliance behind its conceptualization and execution is…
Coterie Craft
By Cpt. Corn| Default Resource Packs
The Coterie Craft resource pack is unique to its core, while still remaining familiar. With a distinctly different feel from the more traditional resource packs with similar artistic styling. Often you’ll find that moth faithful packs are far too similar to each other, with very little variance to make them…
xali's Enchanted Books
By xalixilax| GUI Resource Packs
Xalixilax created the Xalis Enchanted Books resource pack in May 2021, where it quickly gained fame among the Minecraft community. It was recommended by many popular Minecrafters, which led the texture pack to be downloaded over 4.8 million times since the writing of this article. It was created because many…
By Shivamzter| Default Resource Packs
If you ever wondered how Minecraft would look without the jagged edges and with triple-A game graphics quality, the Roundista resource pack gets very close to that visualization. Released in March of 2022, it’s one of the newer packs that managed to attract the attention of the Minecraft community mostly…
By StefanJ2| Default Resource Packs
BetterVanillaBuilding is a Minecraft’s resource pack which is specially designed for the builders, who wants more realistic textures which can transform their houses or building look much greater than they often do. Even though the graphics of the vanilla world would make a lot of the gamer bases feel satisfied…
Crisp Revival
By cheezlordy| RPG Resource Packs, Fantasy Resource Packs, Rustic Resource Packs
Not everyone appreciates these new photorealistic Minecraft resource packs. While it is true that there is a great amount of work that goes into them, you are left wondering if Minecraft is still Minecraft when you bump up texture resolutions 4 or 8 times and push up the level of…