From Judy K. Orr, Executive Director:
As our new fiscal year began last month, we simultaneously embraced a bold, new vision for our work:
“By 2029, Catholic Charities will be the leader in Middle Tennessee in assisting people in need to achieve persistent self-reliance.”
This vision is at the heart of our new five-yearstrategic plan, which reflects our deep commitment to addressing immediate needs while honoring every individual’s dignity. More than just a roadmap, this plan is an invitation to partner with us in creating lasting change.
With our strategic plan, we are committed not just to meeting material needs but to upholding the dignity of each person, recognizing that they are made in the image of God. Inspired by the teachings of Christ, we strive to be His hands and feet in the world, ensuring that our service is both a reflection of His love and a response to His call to care for ‘the least of these.
We are calling on all who share our mission of bringing love, hope, and healing to join us. Guided by a vision crafted by our committee and approved by the board of trustees, this plan will steer our efforts through 2029.
Together, we can build on our 60-year legacy, enhancing program impact, nurturing our staff, engaging the community, and raising awareness of our crucial work.
But we can’t do it alone. Your passion, support, and partnership are vital to empowering individuals and strengthening our community.
View our strategic plan
Addressing hidden homelessness
As part of our emergency services program, we assist many of our neighbors who are struggling with housing costs. “Hidden homelessness” is more common than you might think, and we are grateful to WPLN’s This is Nashville for raising awareness of this issue through its “In My Place” series.
In this recent episode, Catholic Charities’ Director of Basic Needs Kate Pooler shared insights on the often-overlooked realities of families who “double up” with other family members, live in their cars, or otherwise are in unsustainable situations on the verge of evictions.
Please give the interview with Kate a listen to learn more about our expertise in caring for our neighbors’ housing crises.
Culinary training for youth aging out of foster care
Our work in Culinary Training Academy (CTA) was amplified recently through a partnership withThe Nashville Food ProjectandSlim & Husky’s. Our most recent cohort of graduates were youth who had recently aged out of foster care.
Of the 15 participants completing the program, 14 secured jobs and two have advanced to sous chef positions. This successful collaboration demonstrates a strong model for empowering vulnerable youth to begin a career in the hospitality industry. CTA is housed at Catholic Charities’ Family Resource Center at C.E. McGruder.
Giving back: from refugee to social worker
In our Love, Hope, Healing service model, we love to say that the best healing is when you want to give back to those who helped you.
Irakoze Bellamie is the epitome! She is completing her master’s degree in social work at the University of Kentucky. She was inspired to do her internship with Catholic Charities because her family was helped by CC when they first arrived in the U.S. in 2007, as authorized refugees from the African country Burundi. Her grandmother continues as a member of our New Americans elders program. Bella, as she is known, was 7 when she emigrated with her family.
Bella recalls the case manager (Diomede Richard, still working for CC!) who helped her family get settled in Nashville, teaching them English and how to navigate housing, schools, transportation, shopping, etc.
She says, “I want to impact people in a positive way just like social workers impacted me and my family.” Bella completed an internship in the spring at the CC Family Resource Center at Casa Azafran and is interning this semester at the CC FRC at C.E. McGruder.
Make an impact every month
Your recurring gift can help vulnerable neighbors become self-sufficient in the face of economic instability and life’s unexpected moments. By establishing a monthly gift, you increase its impact and spread your tax-deductible donation throughout the year.
P.S. Have you seen the Catholic Charities USA “We Are There” national awareness campaign? We’re excited to be featured.
Following Christ’s example, we recognize the dignity of all people and serve our neighbors.